Legal notice

JP Trading Strengthshop GmbH
Siegfriedstr. 60
10365 Berlin

German VAT ID: DE314567691
Switzerland VAT ID: CHE-476.394.733 MWST

JP Trading Strengthshop GmbH is entered in the commercial register of the district court of Berlin-Charlottenburg under the number: HRB 190399 B

Managing Directors:
Joni Purmonen, Ricky Shah

According to applicable law, we are obliged to inform consumers about the existence of the European online dispute resolution platform, which can be used to resolve disputes without the need for a court to be involved. The European Commission is responsible for setting up the platform. You can find the European online dispute resolution platform here:
However, we would like to point out that we are in principle not willing to participate in dispute settlement procedures within the framework of the European online dispute settlement platform.